Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Rain Dances on the Tongue

Rain falls
on dry parched soil...
and the world blooms
with brilliant color
and joy.
My tongue tastes the rain
while cool shivers
dance down my spine.
Grateful am I 
for the rain that lifts 
the weary heads of flowers
in summer heat.
for the light dancing 
along the soft curved edges 
of raindrops.
for the light that flows
 into my heart 
once more
and breathes fresh life
into the 

                                               ~Darlisa Black

Dancing on Angel Wings

Simplicity of a Cloud... 
bits of moisture dancing on the wind, 
soften hearts...
and breathe.... 
Love Life always,
each molecule 
each grain of sand
each droplet of water. 
Be Real
and reality will sing praises
Be True
and truth will set you free.

~Darlisa Black

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Rowena Fire 2014

I made a blog post on my webpage with lots of photos of the Rowena Fire 2014 in Oregon and the Columbia River Gorge.  Here is a photo for this blog, and if you want to see all of them go to this link

While you are there check out my other galleries and links!