Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Silence and Storms

Silence comes in waves, 

between the gentle hum of caressing winds and the howl of tree droppers.

 As in Life.  

We grow older through the ebb and flow of the winds of change, 

at times content to just Be...  

...calm while silent winter snow falls...

...rolling in full abandonment down a spring grass covered slope... 

...sitting by a forest waterfall in summer breathing in all those negative ions...

...to quietly stroll through the aspen trees as yellow fall leaves drop silently among the white trunks and to the ground at our feet...

...silly and fun with the kids, anyones kids...

...sad as old grief rolls over us and mingles with new grief...

...dancing around the house to old favorites, tunes from years gone by...

...sit or walk with a friend, quietly or with heartfelt sharing...

Life... Nature...  we rise and fall with the breath of change.  

We cycle through the ups and downs, 

the outward growth and inner hibernation.  

Yes, this is life in all its 

glory and pain.

and so it goes...

and So it Goes. 

~Darlisa Black
